Create Tattoo Studio

The tattoo studio based in Graz and Klagenfurt breathes color. From regular exhibitions, graffiti sessions, t-shirt printing to music video shoots and new media installations, the creative crew is always in action. Their studios, known as galleries, are a dynamic platform for creative minds. Don't worry, they never forget to have a good party in between.

Snow Giants

Simon Beck makes snow art - on a grand scale!
PICKS followed him to the Austrian Alps to document the gigantic works of art before they were destroyed by the sun and wind.

Würmlas Wände

Art project created with the intention to use urban art not only to stimulate local dialogue, but also to generate exchange far beyond the village boundaries.

The Taggerwerk

For many years, the Taggerwerk was an abandoned feed factory on the outskirts of Graz. The transformation of this building from a stinking dump to a center for culture, sports and startups is shown through human stories, disasters and successes. The catalyst for this transformation are 10 murals. House-sized paintings from the crème de la crème of the international street art scene.

David Leitner

Visual artist from Austria. Often staged and with a surreal twist, they aim to create an illogical space, referencing forgotten photographs of the past and putting them into a contemporary context. 


Illustrator, urban artist and graffiti artist from Austria. He is known for his characteristic dissection, cross-section, x-ray and translucent styles.


 Colombian street artist who recreates portraits from photographs as murals. These portraits of strangers are adorned with colourful psychedelic elements.